

To ensure the safety and well being of our staff, valued clients and community, we have made a very difficult but necessary decision to voluntarily close our office for the time being, effective Tuesday, March 17. Although we are in an industry that was not mandated to close by Governor Cuomo, we feel it would [...]

March 17th, 2020|Uncategorized|

The Truth About Chemical Peels

Everything you need to know before your first treatment-   Chemical peels are an important part of skin health. As an effective treatment option for most skin types and concerns, they improve tone, texture, fine lines and wrinkles, breakouts and dark spots, but many people are intimidated to go in for their first peel treatment. [...]

October 7th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Our Philosophy

Excellence We set high standards for the quality of our treatments that we deliver on our clients. Our technicians are fully invested in their profession and are committed to continuously educating themselves and raising the standard of our services. We employ the latest and most effective technology and treatments to deliver exceptional results to all. [...]

September 26th, 2018|Uncategorized|