Acne is a common condition characterized by obstructed sebaceous glands causing not
only pimples but sometimes develop into deeper Propionibacterium cysts known as
Live-P Acne.

 This can occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms, beginning in adolescence and affecting most teenagers and some adults. When left untreated, Live-P Acne can result in scarring.

Until recently, individuals with persistent acne have been treated with only expensive topical or systemic
antibiotics that often lead to allergic and disappointing results. In order to successfully treat unsightly Acne,
Our technicians use SR technology and I-Pixel technology which are both manufactured by Alma lasers.

After the first treatment the customer will notice some immediate clearance which will improve after each
continued visit. The number Laser Acne Removal treatments depend on the severity of each individual. Our
technicians as well as the consultant may recommend additional technologies such as Diamondtome
Microdermabrasion with our Acne Serum infusion.

South Shore Lasers offers non-surgical procedures performed by licensed professionals. Procedures are based on the individual and may take more time for multiple procedures or to achieve individual best results. Ask a South Shore Lasers professional more about your individual choices and what you can expect. Results will be unique to each client depending on age, health, skin and other personal/individual factors. The information provided on our website and photos are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute a guarantee, promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.